Phase 1
Until 2023 :
Award winner of the call for projects "Ma solution pour le climat" of the French Occitanie region.
Design, manufacture and test of the turbine demonstrator, scale 1/3 on a test bench.
The bench is hosted at the eco-communication studio 'Rêver les futurs", on its former mill (Cier-de-Rivière, 31).
This project has been realized in collaboration with CRITT and PFT Bois Occitanie, the Aubin Wood High School and Biopura.
A small scale model is created by the model make vocational baccalaureate students of Jean-Dupuy high school (Tarbes)
Phase 2
2023-2024 :
A second prototype is tested in a river, still on the site of the "Rêver les futurs" studio.
A few technical imporvements on the turbine, the structure and the trough. The regulation system is designed and tested. Experimental authorization is given by french water authorities.
The project is uspported by "EDF, Une rivière, un territoire" and vorteX-io (hydrologic monitoring).
1st awareness raising events, some press articles, creation of a eco-designed website (Kirby)
Phase 3 (to be funded!)
Development of a full scale turbine for "real" installations (4-10kW).
Design improvements, creation of alternative designs, self-assembled kits, work on the diffusion and training model...
Development of a fish elevator functional prototype, for fish upstream migration.
Numerous new collaborations already being discussed.
And next?
To infinity and beyond!